16 de abril de 2014
São Paulo has new themed itineraries
The tourist will have nine different tour options to experience São Paulo´s capital and its culture;
Architecture itinerary features an unprecedented audio guide for smartphones and audio description for the visually impaired
São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris, tourism and events company for the city of São Paulo) has created new themed itineraries to allow visitors and residents to get to know the different aspects that make up the metropolis culture and history.
There are nine mini guides providing information about attractions, historical background and tips to discover the city from Architecture themes through the Historic Center, African Culture, Urban Art, Creative City; Ecorrural; Independence of Brazil, Coffee, Soccer, and Observation Decks. The aim is to promote and enhance each of these qualities of the city of São Paulo and show a new way to experience the metropolis.
The great novelty is left to the Audio Guide (which can be downloaded from the internet and accompany the tourists during the tour through their MP3 player or smartphone, for example) and also the Audio Description (with the description of each attraction of the tour, specific for the visually impaired people). So far, both are available for the Architecture itinerary through the Historical Center.
The project is part of a target program of São Paulo´s City Hall for the city, which also includes the construction of new Tourist Information Centers – CITs, deployment of tourist signs, and training for travel agents, taxi drivers and Metropolitan Civil Guard – all of them were already completed by the municipal administration through SPTuris.
To Wilson Poit, the president of SPTuris, the themed itineraries are essential for the tourist who comes to the city. “São Paulo has a multiple atmosphere as a result of its diversity, and the itineraries are intended to help the visitor explore the culture of the metropolis and get to know what is most representative in some of its key aspects”, he says.
The guides, which will also have an English version, will be distributed at the Tourist Information Centers (CITs) spread across the city and at other key locations such as tourism fairs, in addition to the webpage: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com, where the audio guide and the audio description can be also downloaded.
Learn more about each itinerary:
Architecture through São Paulo´s Historical Center
The downtown area alone comprises a great portion of São Paulo’s city history. The main attractions of this itinerary include the architectural movements in the region which, combined to the historical context, unveil the magnitude and strength of this metropolis.
Afro Culture
The Afro Culture is one of the ethnic origins of the Brazilian tradition, that´s why the tour itinerary of the theme approaches the afro-descendence in São Paulo´s trajectory. Some highlights of the tour include the Centro Cultural Africano [African Cultural Center], the Museu Afro Brasil [Afro Brazil Museum] and Samba da Vela.
The Independence of Brazil
September 7, 1822 represented a major milestone not only for the country but also to São Paulo. The city saw the Cry of Independence, which was proclaimed on the banks of Ipiranga river, and an important change in the political and economic setting of Brazil. The tour recalls this history and visits some of the key tourist spots of this period.
Mirantes de São Paulo [São Paulo´s Observation Decks]
The immensity of São Paulo can be physically and economically contemplated. The city has several skyscrapers featuring a scenic beauty.
Soccer is already a Brazilian and São Paulo´s symbol. Some of the country´s top teams are based in São Paulo. Stadiums and themed museums reveal some of the sport history and the supporters’ passion that blends with the life of São Paulo´s people.
Urban Art
Different artistic displays characterize São Paulo´s metropolis and can be found in museums, and across the city walls and streets.
Creative City
Today, São Paulo falls within the concept of creative city because it combines innovative and cutting-edge, global and characteristic values, in addition to presenting a rich cultural expression.
São Paulo´s Coffee and History
In São Paulo´s capital, coffee is far beyond the world´s second most consumed beverage; its economy has triggered an important development, which contributed to its rise to the largest metropolis of Latin America.
São Paulo Ecorrural
São Paulo´s capital keeps all sorts of environment. The examples include the Environmental Protection Areas (APAs), regulated by law, and which have become potential ecotourism spots. Bororé-Colônia and Capivari-Monos APAs are the highlights of this sustainable tour, featuring a more detailed guide, which provides information on flora, fauna, indigenous villages on the site and a lot more.